purezen_ learning the way of the code..

Removing code smell in a Reactjs app — Part II : Functional HOC to the rescue!

Great to have you back! (Click here if you want to check the first part)


Removing code smell in a Reactjs app — Part I : Identifying the smell

Lately I have been working on a project made using a React.js stack and came across a task which involved creating a Filter Form. Since the form was going to be used across a number of places it had to be generic.


Maintaining a Git Differential

Lately, while working on some projects, I came across times when I had to inspect and debug the code my way, which means using some debugging utilities and introducing some config changes and additions. So, I have been trying to figure out a way to maintain my own setup for working on projects, so that I can pull in changes from remote, work on them and push the relevant stuff upstream, without those modifications (config changes, debugging utilities etc) coming in the way. Also I would like my changes to be version-controlled.


Greetings interweb!

Greetings, fellows of the interweb!
