purezen_ learning the way of the code..

Removing code smell in a Reactjs app — Part II : Functional HOC to the rescue!


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While surfing the inter-webs I came across functional Higher-Order Components as a React way of “enriching” components eg. here.

Redux-form might be one of its most popular form.

The idea is to wrap a Component in a Higher Order function to produce an enriched component. Additional arguments can also be passed in just like regular functions to give more context.

Shameless plug: I am using react-koa-minimal-starter as the base for the project since it comes with react-hot-loader v3 which has improved support for Higher-Order components (ref).

To use it, it will be called in the container component with the list passed as a reference using the property name of the state. This is how it looks like,

import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import Filter from ‘../enhancers/filter’

const ListContainer = connect(
 (state) => state
)(Filter(List, {list: ‘listName’}))

And this is how the function looks like,

export default function Filter(EnhancedComponent, sourceRef) {
 return class extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
   this.state = {
   searchTerm: ‘’,
   filteredList: []

componentDidMount() {
 this.setState({ filteredList: this.props[sourceRef.list] })

getFilteredList(searchTerm, sourceList) {
 let re = new RegExp(searchTerm,’gi’)
 return sourceList.filter((item) => item.match(re))

handleSearchTerm(e) {
 let filteredList =  this.getFilteredList(e.target.value,this.props[sourceRef.list])

  searchTerm: e.target.value,
  filteredList: filteredList

render() {
 return (

Finally, as can be seen the filtered list is available as filteredList property in the Presentational (wrapped) component.

You can check out the implementation in the abstraction-via-hoc branch of the repo at https://github.com/purezen/react-hoc-example.

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